
Info Center

O deck composto é verdadeiramente livre de manutenção?

December 22, 2022

Quando você estiver procurando por um novo deck, provavelmente notará muitas das mesmas frases repetidamente, especialmente quando estiver procurando por decks compostos. Os argumentos de venda típicos para decks compostos incluem: Instalação fácil Ambientalmente amigável Livre de manutenção Instalação fácil? Verifique – o deck composto está pronto para uso como…

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As cores de deck mais populares

December 20, 2022

Antigamente, escolher uma cor para o seu deck era uma tarefa bienal, um desfile de manchas transparentes a semitransparentes e, finalmente, pintura enquanto você tentava prolongar a vida útil do seu espaço externo de madeira tratada. Com o advento dos decks compostos de baixa manutenção, escolher a melhor cor de…

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O deck composto fica quente ao sol?

September 14, 2022

Se você estiver comprando opções de decks, uma de suas maiores preocupações provavelmente será o conforto. Isso significa que você provavelmente estará se perguntando: “Os decks compostos esquentam ao sol?” A resposta curta é sim – como tudo exposto à luz solar, pode ficar quente. No entanto, você não deve deixar que…

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How To Remove Rust Stains From Composite Decking

September 14, 2022

One of the greatest things about composite decking is that it’s designed to be easy to maintain. Unlike with wood, you shouldn’t have to spend your summers applying sealants or replacing irreparably stained boards. That’s not to say that composite decking won’t get dirty, however. It will accumulate dirt on…

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How To Fasten Composite Decking

July 18, 2022

One of the major benefits of composite decking is that it is a DIY-friendly installation process, capable of being completed relatively quickly and easily without a high degree of specialized expertise. Composite decking can usually be fastened, installed and secured using common tools around the household (or those that can…

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Does Composite Decking Expand And Contract?

June 13, 2022

When building a deck, one of the many things to keep in mind is making allowances for the expansion and contraction of the decking material. This is no surprise when it comes to wood. Wood fibers were made to carry water, bulging when laden with moisture and shrinking as they…

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Can You Use Deck Screws On Composite Decking?

June 9, 2022

In the hands of a modern homeowner, outdoor spaces are often an extension and reflection of a home’s indoor space. Whether picking up on the interior palette, design cues or personal ethos, outdoor rooms have migrated toward materials that are adaptable, versatile and sustainable. Composite decking checks those boxes, allowing…

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Can You Mix Composite Decking With Wood?

May 11, 2022

Material choice for your deck — whether for a new build or a remodel — is a significant consideration that can impact many areas. These include: Appearance of the deck Cost of the deck Maintenance and upkeep needs Deck safety Environmental considerations In general, there are two main categories from…

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Can You Power Wash Composite Decking?

May 11, 2022

Maintaining your deck’s appearance is likely to be a high priority on your list, especially if you recently built one. Exposure to weather and the outdoor elements means that even lower-maintenance material such as composite decking will require occasional cleaning. One of the first questions that many deck owners ask…

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Composite vs. Wood Decking

June 16, 2021

If you’re planning to build a deck on your property, one of the first important decisions you’ll have to make is your decking material. The two main types of decking material are wood and composite, each of which offers different benefits. While wood decks cost less and offer that authentic…

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